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VŠCHT PrahaÚEM → Celoživotní vzdělávání → Interní vzdělávání → Managing firms in crisis and restructuring

Managing firms in crisis and restructuring

Explore real-life case studies of companies navigating challenging business moments and develop essential management skills and tools for addressing obstacles at every stage of corporate growth.

Free of Charge optional lifelong learning program for UCT senior and doctoral students

Course description:

Through six interactive presentations, this course offers in-depth case studies drawn from the lecturer’s experience leading companies of various sizes and industries at critical turning points. Each session demonstrates a wide range of essential management skills and tools, emphasizing their consistent and systematic application during challenging phases of corporate development, including crisis management and restructuring.
Designed for upper-year students, this course assumes a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge and the ability to engage with practical examples. 

The course aims to bridge theory and practice, providing students with opportunities to test their knowledge against real-world scenarios and to appreciate the importance of integrating academic insights with practical managerial experience.
Form: in class 

This course is suitable for second-year and higher undergraduate (BA) students, as well as graduate (MA) and Ph.D. students.

Dates and topics: 

Thursdays, 5 pm to 6.50 pm

13.02.2025    Restructuring of the production plant and its transformation into a standard, customer-oriented company (chemical industry)
27.02.2025    A company in a complex situation requiring a change of strategy (chemical industry)
13.03.2025    Foreign market entry strategy (healthcare)
27.03.2025    Restructuring of the hospital
10.04.2025    Differences between the restructuring of a healthcare distributor (products) and a travel agency (services)
24.04.2025    Optimization of marketing processes


Dr. Ing. Ivan Oliva

... is an expert with many years of experience in the areas of:
•    Corporate governance, leadership, management
•    Strategy, restructuring, crisis management, start-up
•    Financial, personnel and administrative management, operations and legislation
•    Corporate, integration, consolidation and economic stabilization

With extensive experience as a crisis manager. He worked in international corporations (U.S., German, French, Italian, and Polish), mostly as CEO responsible for the corporations' activities in Central and Eastern Europe. In the Czech Republic he has led restructuring and strategic initiatives for companies including Polymer Institut Brno, SPOLANA a.s. Neratovice, companies within the PKN ORLEN group, Nemocnice Nymburk, and Nemocnice na Homolce, among others. He holds a Ph.D. in Management and Business Economics from the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Prague, and is a graduate of the Executive Management Program at Stanford University, USA Program, Stanford University (USA)


Jankovcova 23, Praha 7 Holešovice

20, min. no of participants 7

Course completion requirements:

Active participation in at least 4 seminars. 
Application form:

Application form

Aktualizováno: 6.1.2025 14:20, Autor: Magda Matušková

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČ: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Za informace odpovídá: Ústav ekonomiky a managementu
Technický správce: Výpočetní centrum

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